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JON RAFMAN: Mainsqueeze

July 13 - 20, 2014


Opening Sunday, July 13     19:00 - 21:00

Plymouth Rock is proud to announce ‘Mainsqueeze’, a week long exhibition screening of the new video of the same name by Jon Rafman. The work will have its continental European premiere at Plymouth Rock.


Mainsqueeze continues Rafman's ongoing exploration of marginal online subcultures, discovering in their arcane obsessions a means of capturing contemporary experience. A rhythm of tension and release structures the film as it cycles through a series of images and voices that evoke arousal and frustration, resignation and rage. As post-ironic detachment alternates with earnest confession, narratives of redemption are evoked but nipped in the bud. Are we observing mindless amusement, refined depravity, or a spiritual vision?

The video will be projected for the entire duration of the exhibition, viewable at all times through the exhibitions windows and during opening hours.

Photography: Douglas Mandry

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